Monday, March 23, 2015

The worm is turning

The Columbus Dispatch is finally getting on board.

Seems pretty reasonable.  It is the taxpayer’s money.  Campaign donors do not speak for the majority of taxpayers.  Despite the massive marketing please let the results (including the finances) speak for themselves.  Billions have been spent.  How much is enough?

“Ohio’s charter-school system has attracted national ridicule for its giant-sized accountability loopholes…

A significant gap, flagged by Yost, is that the bill fails to require school-operating companies to disclose how they spend the hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of tax dollars they are paid to run the schools. Their status as private companies doesn’t change the fact that they are using public money to provide public education. Under current law, some operators refuse to show their books to the governing boards that hired them, let alone to the public.

This lack of accountability is unacceptable, and lawmakers should fix that before they sign off on H.B. 2.”

Monday, March 2, 2015

10th Period: National Charter School Advocates: Ohio's the Wors...

10th Period: National Charter School Advocates: Ohio's the Wors...: For years now, I've been saying Ohio is unique among the 50 states for its crazy charter school system. And last week, many prominent ch...

Ohio Charters ridiculed. At least we are not Nevada